Special Statute for Trentino-Alto Adige

Modified text of the Constitution of the “Trentino – Alto Adige”
Region and the Provinces of Trento and Bolzano

Chapter I – General Provisions

Art. 1

1. Trentino-Alto Adige, comprising the territory of the Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, constitutes an autonomous Region, with legal status, within the political structure of the Italian Republic, one and indivisible, on the basis of the principles of the Constitution and according to the present Statute.
2. The capital of the Trentino-Alto Adige Region shall be the city of Trento.

Art. 2

1. In the Region equality of rights for all citizens is recognised, regardless of the linguistic group to which they belong, and respective ethnic and cultural characteristics shall be safeguarded.     …

Chapter II – Organs of the Province
Art. 47

1. The organs of the Province are: the Provincial Parliament, the Provincial Government and the President of the Province.
2. In harmony with the constitution and the principles of the legal system, the respect of international obligations and observing the provisions of this statute , provincial law, approved by an absolute majority of the members of the Provincial Parliament, shall determine the form of government of the Province and, specifically, the manner of election of the Provincial Parliament, the President of the Province and members of the Provincial
Government, the relationships between the organs of the Province, the presentation and approval of a grounded motion of no-confidence in the President of the Province, cases of ineligibility and incompatibility with the aforesaid roles, in addition to the exercising of the right to referenda on provincial laws and provincial referenda abrogating laws, containing proposals or advisory referenda. In order to achieve a balance in the representation of the sexes, the same law promotes conditions of equality for access to elections. The concomitant resignation “page ” of the majority of the members of the Provincial Parliament will lead to the dissolution of Parliament and the concomitant election of the new Parliament and the President of the Province, if elected by universal and direct suffrage. In the event that the President of the Province is elected by the Provincial Parliament, the Parliament shall be dissolved when it is no longer capable of functioning due to the impossibility of forming a majority within ninety days of the elections or from the resignation of the President.
3. In the Autonomous Province of Bolzano the Provincial Parliament shall be elected using the proportional system. If it foresees the election of the President of the Province of Bolzano by universal and direct suffrage, provincial law shall be approved with a majority of two thirds of the members of the Provincial Parliament.
4. Provincial laws described in the second and third paragraphs shall not be communicated to the Government Commissioner according to the first paragraph of article 55. The government of the Republic may raise the issue of constitutional legitimacy as regards them with the constitutional court within thirty days of their publication.
5. Provincial laws described in the second paragraph shall be subjected to a provincial referendum, the regulation of which is foreseen by the special law for each Province, if within three months of their publication one fiftieth of the electors or one fifth of the Provincial Parliament so request. The law subjected to referendum shall not be promulgated if it is not approved by a majority of the valid votes.
6. If the laws are approved by a majority of two thirds of the members of the Provincial Parliament a referendum shall only take place if within three months of their publication the request is signed by one fifteenth of those entitled to vote for the election of the Provincial Parliament.

Special Statute of Trentino-Alto Adige (full text in pdf format)